If you are involved in a serious conflict with someone and want to avoid a trial or a court battle, mediation can be a viable option for you. It’s a cost-effective and efficient alternative to resolve disputes and pending litigation.

There are different types of mediation that our attorney-mediators at Craig, Terrill, Hamm, Grossman & Erwin, LLP (CTHG&E) use to resolve conflicts among parties involved. Here are some of them:

  • Evaluative Mediation

This type or style of mediation is said to be the oldest and is modeled after settlement conferences. It works well in divorce or corporate cases wherein there is an uneven power dynamic or a time crunch.

In evaluative mediation, the mediators exert the most control throughout the process. They are likely to make suggestions or recommendations and express their opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of the parties.  

  • Facilitative Mediation

This traditional and most common type of mediation is considered as the middle ground between the extremes of transformative and evaluative mediation. Cases, such as employment matters involving an ongoing relationship between the parties, are most likely to be resolved at an early stage using facilitative mediation.

The mediators in facilitative mediation don’t make recommendations and suggestions or enforce a decision on the parties involved in the conflict. They will instead encourage the parties to reach their own voluntary solution by exploring each other’s interests and goals.

  • Transformative Mediation

This type of mediation is somewhat similar to facilitative mediation. Its goal is to transform the parties and their relationship through the process of acquiring the skills they need to make a constructive change. Transformative mediation is most helpful in cases wherein the parties must maintain some ongoing relationship, such as parents involved in custody and parenting disputes.

The mediators in transformative mediation encourage the parties to resolve their conflict by recognizing each other’s needs, goals, and interests. They create the time and space for both sides to express their emotions instead of making suggestions or enforcing a decision.

Reach Out to CTHG&E Today for More Information!

If you want to learn more about these or if you need a mediator in Texas to help you with your case, contact Craig, Terrill, Hamm, Grossman & Erwin, LLP immediately. Our legal firm can help you settle your dispute with someone without going to trial. Call us now at 806-744-3232 to schedule an appointment.